Power Rangers: Legacy Wiki

Welcome to the Wiki[]

This is a wiki for my Power Rangers fanfiction. Power Rangers and any and all things associated with it belong to their respectful owners I only own any characters I come up with. This is only meant to inform and archive information on my Power Rangers fanfiction.

Author's Notes[]

  • All teams under the Original Teams drop down menu are basically me taking the unadapted Sentai seasons and making them Power Rangers teams and are not all completely original apart from Jungle Charge which is a Power Rangers team of my own creation. I do not own anything associate with Power Rangers or it's sentai counterparts and this is all meant soully for information of the teams and characters in my fanfiction.
  • ^ so I called them original teams as names and things are being changes and so are the character and team names so I'm kind of treating like an adaptation but since it isn't an official Power Rangers Team/Season they are somewhat original.
  • I will be linking the Instagram User who created the artwork for the ranger for my all-original Power Rangers team.

Jungle Charge Red Ranger was made for me by Ziad Connolly on Instagram check out the page and like their work
